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Quest for Comfort
NOTE:  The following Mick-O-Pegs Models can be ordered in the following finishes:
* Chrome w/Black Pegs - Most commonly ordered by GL1800 Goldwing owners.
* Anodized (All flat-black color) - Most commonly ordered by F6B & Valkyrie ('14- current) owners.
>>> Update 2/8/20: We currently have a limited Model selection in the
        "All flat-black color". Contact us for availability before ordering!

Pro Tip #1:  Some riders order extra parts or models so they can try multiple choices.
       Return additional parts within 45 days for a refund, saving time and S&H costs.
       If you'd like to consider this option, please Contact Us.

Pro Tip #2:  For help deciding on the right Mick-O-Pegs for you, request a 

Goldwing GL1800, F6B & Valkyrie ('14-current) Mick-O-Pegs Models:
Feet low
(below knees) &
close in:

Model DD

(2nd most popular Model)
28-32" inseam

Model DL

Under 28" inseam

* Pegs face inboard
* Low & forward of the stock foot pegs
* Just outside your brake & shift levers
* Legs tucked behind fairing

* Can be used like a floorboard
* Provides position for feet closest in to bike
* Not for tall riders 
See test - Item #1
* Cannot be used w/floorboards
* Getting back to controls quickly

Cruiser position (feet 
out & ahead of knees):

Model KA

(Most popular Model,
especially for tall riders):
32"+ inseam (Straight legs w/32" inseam)
* ~6" from the pavement & limits lean to ~30 degrees
in down position.

Model KB
(Mid-way between
Models KA & KD)

* ~7" from the pavement & limits lean to ~35 degrees
in down position.

Model KD
~28-31" inseam

* ~8" from the pavement & limits lean to ~40 degrees
in down position.

Model KL
Under 28" inseam
* ~9" from the pavement & 
limits lean to ~45 degrees
in down position

Rotate down and out, providing a cruiser position (feet ahead of knees)
* Tucks up & in when not in use

If you choose the right Model for your inseam, then:

* Forward and low enough to not conflict with wind deflectors.

* Below the heat from the radiators (unless you are really tall)


Model E.5D & ED
28-32" inseam

Model GB
30-31" inseam

Model GD
29-30" inseam


ED & E.5D

* Low and just outside Model DD position

Model E.5D
* Cannot be used w/floorboards
* Pegs stick out where catching loose pant cuff may be an issue

Model ED
* Can be used with stock footpegs OR Floorboards
* Easier to get back to controls

* Pegs stick out where catching loose pant cuff may be an issue

Model GB
30-31" Inseam
* 3" forward and slightly up, and 4" further
out from bike than
Model DD
* Less chance of catching loose pant cuff

Model GD
29-30" Inseam
* 3" forward and up, and 4" further
out from bike than
 Model DD

* Less chance of catching loose pant cuff

Designed/ideal for
very aggressive riders:

Model GF
About straight legs with 32" inseam

Model GQ
About straight legs with 29" inseam

Model EF & EQ
Feet back and down 3" from

Model E.5F & E.5Q
Feet 1" closer to valve cover
than EF & EQ
* The only Models mounted to vertical engine guard
* Increased ground clearance, designed for very aggressive riders, who often drag bike parts in turns
* Can be positioned to not touch pavement when bike falls/leans

For help deciding on the right Mick-O-Pegs for you, request a 

Place Order

Tip: Some riders order extra parts or models so they can try multiple choices.
Return additional parts within 45 days for a refund, saving time and S&H costs.
If you'd like to consider this option, please
Contact Us.

Making sense of your options
